C program to find the missing number in the array using the bitwise XOR operator
belongs to collection: One Dimensional Array Programs / Examples in C programming language
One Dimensional Array Programs / Examples in C programming language
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- C program to find the missing number in the array
- C program to find the missing number in the array using the bitwise XOR operator
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Here, we will create an array of integers then we will find the missing number from the array using the bitwise XOR operator.
The source code to find the missing number in the array using the bitwise XOR operator is given below. The given program is compiled and executed using GCC compile on UBUNTU 18.04 OS successfully.
Here, we created an array arr with 5 elements. Here we also created three variables n1, n2, i that are initialized with 0. Then we found missing elements from the array using the bitwise XOR operator and printed the result on the console screen.
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