
Write a C program to check whether a person is eligible for voting or not?


C program to check whether a person is eligible for voting or not?

Given age of a person and we have to check whether person is eligible for voting or not.

To check that a person is eligible for voting or not, we need to check whether person's age is greater than or equal to 18. For this we are reading age in a variable a and checking the condition a>=18, if the condition is true, "person will be eligible for voting" else not.

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Consider the program:


int main()
	int a ;
	//input age
	printf("Enter the age of the person: ");

	//check voting eligibility
	if (a>=18)
		printf("Eigibal for voting");
		printf("Not eligibal for voting\n");

	return 0;


First run:
Enter the age of the person: 21
Eigibal for voting

Second run:
Enter the age of the person: 15
Not eligibal for voting

It's a simple program and I hope your concept of checking a condition may clear, if there is any mistake then write your comment in the comment box.

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