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In this study list, there are unique and logical programs available on Basic Input Output, If else, Conditional Statement (Ternary Operator) based programs. These programs are starts from very basic level to high level. Each program contains source codes, output and explanation of the logic.


Write a C program to print Hello World
Write a C program to find subtraction of two integer number
Write a C program to find SUM and AVERAGE of two numbers
Write a C program to print ASCII value of a character
Write a C program to find cube of an integer number using two different methods
Write a C program to find quotient and remainder
Write a C program to calculate Simple Interest
Write a C program to check whether a given number is EVEN or ODD
Write a C program to find Largest Number among three numbers
Write a C program to check whether a person is eligible for voting or not?
Write a C program to read marks and print percentage and division
Write a C program to calculate Gross Salary of an employee
Write a C program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
Write a C program to calculate X^N (X to the power of N) using pow function
Write a C program to find the difference of two numbers
Write a C program to print size of variables using sizeof() operator
Write a C program to demonstrate example of escape sequences
Write a C program to find area and perimeter of circle
Write a C program to find area of rectangle
Write a C program to find HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers
total questions: 90





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