
Write a C program to find quotient and remainder


C program to find quotient and remainder

How to get quotient and remainder?

Binary operator divide (/) returns the quotient, let suppose if dividend is 10 and divisor is 3, then quotient will be 3.

Binary operator modulus (%) returns the remainder, let suppose if dividend is 10 and divisor is 3, then remainder will be 1.

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Program to find quotient and remainder in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int dividend, divisor;
	int quotient, remainder;
	printf("Enter dividend: ");
	printf("Enter divisor: ");
	quotient= dividend/divisor;
	remainder= dividend%divisor;
	printf("quotient: %d, remainder: %d\n",quotient,remainder);
	return 0;


First run:
Enter dividend: 10
Enter divisor: 3
quotient: 3, remainder: 1 

Second run:
Enter dividend: 10
Enter divisor: 2
quotient: 5, remainder: 0 

Third run:
Enter dividend: 10
Enter divisor: 100
quotient: 0, remainder: 10

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