
Write a C program to find subtraction of two integer number


C program to find subtraction of two integer number

Given two integer number and find the subtraction of them using C program.

In this program, we are reading two integer numbers in variable a and b and assigning the subtraction of a and b in the variable sub.

Example 1:

Input number 1: 40
Input number 2: 45
Output: -5

Example 2:

Input number 1: 45
Input number 2: 40
Output: 5

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Program to find subtraction of two numbers in C


int main()
	int a,b,sub;

	//Read value of a
	printf("Enter the first no.: ");

	//Read value of b
	printf("Enter the second no.: ");

	//formula of subtraction
	sub= a-b;
	printf("subtract is = %d\n", sub);

	return 0;


First run:
Enter the first no.: 40
Enter the second no.: 45
subtract is = -5

Second run:
Enter the first no.: 45
Enter the second no.: 40
subtract is = 5

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