
Python program to print ASCII value of a character

belongs to collection: Python basic programs


Given a character, and we have to find its ASCII code.

ASCII value of character in Python

In python, to get an ASCII code of a character, we use ord() function. ord() accepts a character and returns the ASCII value of it.




    char_var = 'A'

    Function call:


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Python code to find ASCII value of a character

# python program to print ASCII
# value of a given character

# Assigning character to a variable
char_var = 'A'
# printing ASCII code
print("ASCII value of " + char_var + " is = ", ord(char_var))

char_var = 'x'
# printing ASCII code
print("ASCII value of " + char_var + " is = ", ord(char_var))

char_var = '9'
# printing ASCII code
print("ASCII value of " + char_var + " is = ", ord(char_var))


ASCII value of A is =  65
ASCII value of x is =  120
ASCII value of 9 is =  57

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Python basic programs

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