
Python | Convert the binary number to decimal without using library function

belongs to collection: Python basic programs


Given a binary number and we have to convert it into decimal without using library function.




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Python code to convert binary to decimal

# Python code to convert binary to decimal
def binToDec(bin_value):
    # converting binary to decimal
    decimal_value = 0
    count = 0
    while(bin_value != 0):
        digit = bin_value % 10
        decimal_value = decimal_value + digit * pow(2, count)
        bin_value = bin_value//10
        count += 1

    # returning the result        
    return decimal_value

# main code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    binary = int(input("Enter a binary value: "))
    print("decimal of binary ", binary, " is: ", binToDec(binary))

    binary = int(input("Enter another binary value: "))
    print("decimal of binary ", binary, " is: ", binToDec(binary))

    binary = int(input("Enter another binary value: "))
    print("decimal of binary ", binary, " is: ", binToDec(binary))  


Enter a binary value: 1010  
decimal of binary  1010  is:  10  
Enter another binary value: 1111000011  
decimal of binary  1111000011  is:  963 
Enter another binary value: 10000001 
decimal of binary  10000001  is:  129     

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Python basic programs

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