
Kotlin program to check given number is palindrome number or not

belongs to collection: Kotlin Basic Programs


palindromic number is a number that remains the same when its digits are reversed. Example: 16461.

Given a number num, we have to check whether num is a palindrome number of not.


    num = 12321

    12321 is a palindrome number

    num = 12345

    12345 is not a palindrome number

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Program to check number is palindrome number or not in Kotlin

 * Kotlin Program to check given number is Palindrome number or not

package com.includehelp.basic

import java.util.*

//Function to check Palindrome Number
fun isPalindrome(number: Int): Boolean {
	var isPalindromeNumber = false
	var sum = 0
	var tempNum = number

	while (tempNum > 0) {
		val r = tempNum % 10
		sum = sum * 10 + r
		tempNum /= 10
	if (sum == number) {
		isPalindromeNumber = true
	return isPalindromeNumber

//Main Function, Entry Point of Program
fun main(arg: Array<String>) {
	val sc = Scanner(System.`in`)

	//  Input Number
	println("Enter Number  : ")
	val num: Int = sc.nextInt()

	//Call Function to check Number
	if (isPalindrome(num)) 
		println("$num is a Palindrome Number") 
		println("$num is not a Palindrome Number")


Run 1:
Enter Number  :
12321 is a Palindrome Number
Run 2:
Enter Number  :
343 is a Palindrome Number
Run 3:
Enter Number  :
2344 is not a Palindrome Number

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Kotlin Basic Programs

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