
Kotlin program to check leap year

belongs to collection: Kotlin Basic Programs


What is a Leap Year?

"A leap year is a calendar year that contains an additional day added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year or seasonal year." ~ Wikipedia

A Non-Leap year contains 365 days in a year while a Leap Year contains 366 days in a year.

In terms of programming logic, a leap year,

  1. should be divisible by 400 (In case of century years) .
  2. and, should be divisible by 4 (In case of non-century years).

Given a year, we have to check whether it is a leap year or not.


    2020 is Leap Year

    2021 is Not a Leap Year

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Program to check leap year in Kotlin

package com.includehelp.basic

import java.util.*

// Main Method Entry Point of Program
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
	// InputStream to get Input
	var reader = Scanner(System.`in`)

	//Input Integer Value
	println("Enter Year : ")
	var year = reader.nextInt();

	// checking leap year condition
	val isleap = if (year % 4 == 0){
		if (year % 100 == 0) {
			// Century Year must be divisible by 400 for Leap year
			year % 400 == 0
		} else true
	} else false;

	println("$year is ${if (isleap) "Leap Year" else "Not a Leap Year"} ")


Run 1:
Enter Year :
2020 is Leap Year
Run 2:
Enter Year :
1987 is Not a Leap Year
Run 3:
Enter Year :
2012 is Leap Year
Run 4:
Enter Year :
1900 is Not a Leap Year

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Kotlin Basic Programs

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