How to declare an object of class String?
- What are inbuilt classes?
- Inbuilt class __________________________
- What doesn’t inbuilt classes contain?
- Which among the following not an inbuilt class in C++?
- What is InputStream class meant for?
- Which statement is true for Array class?
- What is the use of Math class?
- DataInputStream is derived from ______________________
- Which attribute can be used to get the size of an array?
- Number class can’t manipulate ____________________
- Which function should be used to exit from the program that is provided by System class?
- Which class contain runFinalization() method?
- What does load(String)::= function do, in System class?
- Which is not a System class variable?
- Which package contains the utility classes?
- What is the use of IO class?
- IO class provides input and output through ______________________
- Which among the following class contains the methods to access character based console device?
- File class is ____________________________
- What is a FileDescriptor?
- FileInputStream _________________________
- What does FilePermission class do?
- Which class among the following makes incorrect assumptions?
- Reader class is _________________
- Which class can handle IO class interrupt?
- StringReader handles _____________________
- Which exception handler can be used when character encoding is not supported?
- PushBackReader allows the streams to be pushed back to the stream
- RandomAccessFile can be used to _______________________
- Which among the following is a serialization descriptor for any class?
- Which is a true statement for object of String class?
- How to declare an object of class String?
- What does function length do in String class?
- Which is the function to get the character present at a particular index in the string?
- If only one parameter is passed to substring function then __________________
- If two index are given as argument to substring function then ___________________
- String class have a concat() function that is used to _____________________
- The function lastIndexOf() is used to ___________________
- Function equals() is _______________ and equalIgnoreCase() is _________________
- The compareTo() function is used to ________________
- String class provides function toUpper() to _____________________
- String trim() function is used to _______________________
- Function replace() accepts _____________ arguments
- If two arguments are passed to the indexOf() function then ___________________
- The string class deals with string of only character type
(a).String object_Name = value;
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