What is the difference between the const and volatile qualifiers in C?
belongs to collection: Embedded C interview questions and answers (2022)
Embedded C interview questions and answers (2022)
- What is the difference between C and embedded C?
- What is the volatile keyword?
- What is the use of volatile keyword?
- What is the difference between the const and volatile qualifiers in C?
- Can a variable be both constant and volatile in C?
- Can we have a volatile pointer?
- The Proper place to use the volatile keyword?
- What is ISR?
- Can we pass any parameter and return a value from the ISR?
- What is interrupt latency?
- How do you measure interrupt latency?
- How to reduce interrupt latency?
- Is it safe to call printf() inside Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)?
- Can we put a breakpoint inside ISR?
- What is the difference between an uninitialized pointer and a null pointer?
- What are the causes of Interrupt Latency?
- Can we use any function inside ISR?
- What is a nested interrupt?
- What is NVIC in ARM Cortex?
- Can we change the interrupt priority level of Cortex-M processor family?
- Why “C” language mostly preferred than assembly language?
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- What are the start-up code steps?
- Infinite loops often arise in embedded systems. How do you code an infinite loop in C?
- How to access the fixed memory location in embedded C?
- Difference between RISC and CISC processor?
- What is the stack overflow?
- What is the cause of the stack overflow?
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- What is the difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous Communication?
- What is the difference between RS232 and RS485?
- What is the difference between Bit Rate and Baud Rate?
- What is segmentation fault in C?
- What are the common causes of segmentation fault in C?
- What is the difference between Segmentation fault and Bus error?
- Size of the integer depends on what?
- Are integers signed or unsigned?
- What is a difference between unsigned int and signed int in C?
- What is the difference between const and macro?
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- Write a program swap two numbers without using the third variable?
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- What is the endianness?
- What is big-endian and little-endian?
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- What is the output of the below C code?
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- What is the purpose of realloc( )?
- What is the return value of malloc (0)?
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- How is the free work in C?
- What is a Function Pointer?
- How to declare a pointer to a function in C?
- Where can the function pointers be used?
- Write a program to check an integer is a power of 2?
- What is the output of the below code?
- What is the output of the below code?
- Write a program to count set bits in an integer?
- What is void or generic pointers in C?
- What is the advantage of a void pointer in C?
- What are dangling pointers?
- What is the wild pointer?
- What is a NULL pointer?
- What are the post-increment and decrement operators?
- Which one is better: Pre-increment or Post increment?
- How will you protect a pointer by some accidental modification with the pointer address?
- How to use a variable in a source file that is defined in another source file?
- Can static variables be declared in a header file?
- What is the difference between pass by value by reference in c and pass by reference in c?
- What is a reentrant function?
- What is the inline function?
- What is the advantage and disadvantage of the inline function?
- What is virtual memory?
- How can you protect a character pointer by some accidental modification with the pointer address?
- Consider the two statements and find the difference between them?
- Can structures be passed to the functions by value?
- What are the limitations of I2C interface?
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- What Is Concatenation Operator in Embedded C?
The const keyword is compiler-enforced and says that the program could not change the value of the object that means it makes the object nonmodifiable type. Let us see an example,
If we will try to modify the value of “a”, we will get the compiler error because “a” is qualified with const keyword that prevents to change the value of the”a” (integer variable).
Another side, volatile prevents any compiler optimization and says that the value of the object can be changed by something that is beyond the control of the program and so that compiler will not make any assumption about the object. Let see an example,
When the compiler sees the above declaration then it avoids to make any assumption regarding the “a” and in every iteration read the value from the address which is assigned to the “a”.
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