_ _low_ power_mode_0() states the processor to
- Unlike micro processors, micro controllers make use of batteries because they have:
- What is the order decided by a processor or the CPU of a controller to execute an instruction?
- How are micro controllers classified on the basic of internal bus width?
- How is the performance and the computer capability affected by increasing its internal bus width?
- Abbreviate CISC and RISC
- Give the names of the buses present in a controller for transferring data from one place to another?
- What is the file extension that is loaded in a micro controller for executing any instruction?
- What are the most appropriate criterion for choosing the right micro controller of our choice?
- Why micro controllers are not called general purpose devices?
- MAX1112 is a _________ type of ADC converter?
- Why do we connect a capacitor between the Vref and the Gnd pin?
- Which of the following are the registers that are used for controlling the ADC conversion in the AVR?
- What is the internal Vref of an Atmega32 series?
- The output of a DAC0808 is in form of
- In a DAC the input is ______ and the output is ______
- A micro controller at-least should consist of:
- How many types of architectures are available, for designing a device that is able to work on its own?
- Which architecture is followed by general purpose microprocessors?
- Which architecture involves both the volatile and the non volatile memory?
- Which architecture provides separate buses for program and data memory?
- Which micro controller don’t match with its architecture below?
- Harvard architecture allows:
- Which out of the following supports Harvard architecture?
- Why most of the DSPs use Harvard architecture?
- Which of the following supports CISC as well as Harvard architecture?
- Which of the two architecture saves memory?
- Is the following instruction correct LDI R3,50?
- Registers R0-R31 are used for what type of works?
- Largest value that can be loaded in an 8 bit register is?
- The total space for the data memory available in the AVR based micro controller is?
- Which out of the following instructions don’t affect the flags of the status register?
- What is the difference between the two given instructions?
- Which out of the following is not a directive?
- Is an assembly language a high level language?
- A 14 bit program counter can execute a maximum of _________ memory locations?
- When AVR wakes up, then the value of PC becomes?
- Which of the following is correct about BRNE instruction in avr microcontrollers?
- How many times is this loop going to get execute?
- Which of the below mentioned are not the conditional jumps?
- What is the relation between the target and the relative address?
- In the JMP instruction how many bits are their for determining the target address?
- Which of the following statements is/are correct?
- Which of the following is used to represent the last RAM address?
- Which of the following statements are correct about the RCALL instruction?
- On power on SP points to the address?
- Which of the following statements is true?
- In AVR, which registers are there for the I/O programming of ports?
- The data will not go from the port registers to the pin unless:
- On reset DDR registers of all ports are set to:
- All series of AVR has 8 pins in all of their ports?
- Which of the following is not a single bit instruction in AVR?
- Which of the following is correct about the SBIS instruction?
- Instruction CBI PORTB,1 means
- Which of the following instruction can used to toggle a bit of the PORT?
- What is the main function of the SBIC instruction?
- In AVR micro controllers, ADD instruction affects the status of which of the following bits of a status register?
- ADC instruction is used for?
- AVR supports which of the following mentioned subtraction instructions?
- What steps are involved when we subtract two numbers present at two different locations?
- In executing subtraction based instructions, state the role of the C flag?
- Which of the following is correct about the MUL instruction?
- In AVR, when is the V flag set?
- To set the bits of a register R1 to 1, we must OR the contents of the register with?
- CP instruction alters the value of the register?
- What is right about the ROR instruction?
- In AVR, which of the following registers are not used for programming timers?
- What is the use of the prescalar in the operation of the timer?
- What modes are generally used in the operation of the timer0?
- Timer 0 can act as a counter
- Which of the timer can operate in the 16 bit condition?
- Which of the following will generate the maximum time delay?
- What is the difference in operation of a normal and a CTC mode of a timer?
- We can count the pulses on the positive or the negative edge triggered pulse of the clock?
- Which pin is used for the input clock of the counter0?
- Which resource provides clock pulse to AVR timers if CS02-00=6?
- On reset, what are the contents of the SREG register?
- TIMSK register is used for?
- Why RETI instruction is used after an ISR?
- In AVR what is the ISR address for an external hardware interrupt?
- What is the address in the interrupt service routine assigned for the timer0 overflow flag?
- Is the same address is assigned for the timer0 and timer1 overflow flag in the interrupt vector table of the interrupts?
- External hardware interrupts are assigned to which pins of the atmega32?
- Which register is responsible for handling all the external hardware interrupts?
- By default, INT0-INT2 interrupts are?
- What will happen in that condition, if an interrupt occurs while the micro controller is serving any other interrupt?
- What actually are the DB9, DB25 ports available in our computers?
- What does RI handshaking signal refer to according to the RS232 logic?
- What is the major difference between a MAX232 and a MAX233 device?
- Which of the following is correct about the baud rate during serial transmission?
- With fosc= 8 MHz, what will the count that has to filled in the UBRR register to account for the 9600 baud rate?
- The USART in AVR based micro controllers operate at which of the following modes?
- Which bit of the UCSRA is used for doubling the baud rate of the transmission?
- What is the use of the PE and the FE bits of the UCSRA register?
- Which of the following bits are used for setting the data frame size?
- Which of the following parameters should the transmitter and the receiver agree upon before starting a serial transmission?
- In AVR, the LCD operates in two main modes, it can be in 8 bit or 4 bit data
- What can be the sequence of commands that may be used for initializing an LCD?
- When the LCD operates in the 4 bit mode, then what more commands are added to it?
- What is the main function of the LPM instruction used in LCD?
- The RS pin acts as an
- To latch in information at the data pins of the LCD, we send
- What is the function of the 0x06 command?
- What is the address of the second column and the second row of the 2*20 LCD?
- Which of the following commands takes more than 100 microseconds to run?
- For selecting the data pins in a LCD, RS pin should be
- In reading the columns of a keyboard matrix, when no key is pressed then all the pins show
- To see if any key is pressed, all rows are grounded
- Identify the row and the column for the following case when for the row D3-D0= 1110 and for the column D3-D0= 1101
- What are the actual steps that are followed in identifying any key that is being pressed?
- To identify that the key is present in which row and the column
- The key detection and the key identification are two different procedures?
- What is described by the following command?
- If the pins of the keyboard are used as an interrupt, then these pins will cause interrupt of what type?
- What will happen if two keys of the keyboard are pressed at a time?
- Why initially all keys are considered open before detecting the key pressed?
- Which of the following is correct about the word resolution in ADC DAC converters in AVR’s?
- In an ADC, we can calculate the output voltage from the formula
- ADC0848 is a ____________ bit converter?
- Which of the following factors can affect the step size calculation?
- Which of the following is correct about the word sensors?
- Why do we need to apply the concept of signal conditioning to a sensor?
- Which of the following is correct about LM35 based sensors?
- What is the difference between the LM34 and the LM35 based sensors?
- Every transducer must be connected with the signal conditioning circuit?
- LM35 provides _______ V for each degree count?
- Why for the 8 bit analog input we select Vref as the 2.56V?
- What is the temperature for LM35 sensor if the analog output is 0011 1001?
- In an external hardware, their are how many pins available for the LM35 and the LM34 based sensors?
- Do LM34 and LM35 based sensors have linear output?
- 8255 is a ____ pin IC
- 8255 has handshaking capability?
- The 8255 can be programmed in any of the
- RTC is used for
- RTC chips use______to compute time, date when the power is off
- DS12887 is known for as a
- DS1307 is a parallel RTC with I2C bus
- DS1307 is a _______ pin IC and operates on_______ clock frequency
- Vbat requires a positive signal of
- SQW(pin no 7) is an
- DS1307 has a total of _______ bytes of RAM space?
- DS1307 control register has an address of
- What does the CH bit of the DS1307 demonstrate?
- Why are relays used for driving the motors?
- Why are ULN2803 normally used between the micro controllers and the relays?
- Why are opto isolators normally used between the micro controllers and the ULN2803?
- Which of the following is a type of a electromagnetic relay?
- Reed switches show connectivity whenever they are in the presence of an electrical field?
- Which of the following is an application of stepper motors?
- What are normal 4 step sequence of a stepper motor if we start to move in clockwise direction with 0110 value?
- What is the meaning of a step angle?
- For a normal 4 step sequence, what are number of teeth required to accomplish a 2 degree step angle?
- Ounch-inch is a unit of a torque
- Why do we make the connection of the SCLK for communicating serially between two devices?
- What is the function of the CE pin in SPI?
- Which of the following is correct?
- If CPHA= 0 and CPOL=1, then which of the following is true?
- In SPI write, LSB goes first?
- In AVR, which of the following registers are used for SPI?
- How do we set the SPI, to operate in the master mode 1?
- SPI can act as a half duplex transmission?
- Which frequency is not recommended for SPI clock?
- To select the value of the clock to be fosc/16, what are the appropriate values?
- Which of the following is correct?
- Which of the following is true about the I2C protocols?
- I2C is a connection oriented communication protocol
- The STOP condition is generated by a
- For receiving the acknowledgement
- What steps are followed to complete the data transfer?
- I2C is ideal for short distances?
- Which of the following is a register used for programming AVR’s I2C module?
- Which bit is polled to know that whether the TWI is ready or not?
- Is status flag important in multi master systems?
- The status register in MSP430 consists of
- Which of the following bits is a bit of the status register that allows the micro controller to operate in its low power mode?
- What is actually done to improve the efficiency of a RISC processor?
- To improve the efficiency of a MSP430 based micro controller, for one register
- Their are_______________ number of emulated instructions found in the MSP430?
- w form is used for operations
- Pre increment addressing is available in MSP430?
- Which out of the following is a correct emulated instruction?
- dadd instruction can act as
- Which of the following instructions do not affect the status bits?
- Their are _____ number of addressing modes found for the source and _____ number of modes for the destination part?
- MSP430 describes reti instruction as
- Indexed addressing can be used for
- What do you understand form this instruction mov.w X(PC), R6
- Absolute mode uses which of the following operators?
- Indirect register mode is used by
- Indirect mode and the indirect auto increment mode have which common operator in them
- Are the two instructions similar
- mov.w @PC+,R6 is a type of
- ret instruction is used for
- According to conventions being followed, R12 to R15 are used for
- We can store the temporary results across a call instruction with the help of which of the following registers
- Can we allocate variables on the stack?
- Which registers are reserved for passing the parameters to a subroutine and then returning the final result?
- What actually is the order of stack frame for a parameter to pass to a subroutine?
- When any subroutine is called, then the first value of stack will be
- After subroutine which of the instruction is used for returning the pointer back to the main program?
- Is the approach of making subroutines effective or not?
- MSP430 uses vectored interrupts?
- Which of the following is true?
- After interrupt has occurred, the stack is filled with
- What is the function of __ __interrupt keyword
- What is the difference between the INTVEC and the RSEG keywords?
- For enabling any interrupt, firstly
- Non mask able vectors are stored at different vector locations?
- Which of the following can generate a non mask able interrupt?
- External RST/NMI pin is a non maskable interrupt?
- How many cycles are used by MSP430, when reti instruction is executed?
- Their are how many MSP430’s low power modes available in the chip?
- Which of the following are the low power modes?
- Which of the following modes is also known as the RAM retention mode?
- Waking a device simply means that switching that device’s operation from a low power mode to an active mode
- When an interrupt is accepted, the contents of the status register are
- MCLK must first be started
- _ _low_ power_mode_0() states the processor to
- More power can be saved by using low_power mode 0 than low_power mode 3
- _BIC_SR_IRQ() is used to
- The only clock that runs in the LPM3 is the
- Which of the following functions is not related to port P1?
- A pull-up or pull-down resistor
- P1.3 is the
- What actually is SD16_A?
- P1IE and P1IES are registers that are used to
- Unused pins must never be left unconnected in their default state as inputs
- Which of the following is an effect of a Schmidt trigger?
- To ensure that a negative fluctuation does not trigger an unwanted downward transition by pulling the input down through VIT−, we must choose
- The SPDT switch can be used as a
- Debouncing can be carried out at a hardware as well as the software end?
- What are the basic functions of a timer?
- Most of the MSP430’s devices have __________ number of timers in it?
- A Watchdog Timer can act as an interval timer?
- Which out of the following is the main function of a Watchdog timer?
- Basic Timer1 can provide
- LCD_A controllers make use of the Basic Timer1 timer for providing a clock to the LCD?
- Real time clock is an extension of Basic Timer1?
- Timer_A can be used to
- Time stamp inputs can be measured by a Timer_A?
- Timer_B includes
- The watchdog counts up and resets the MSP430 when it reaches the limit?
- Which of the following is correct about WDTCTL?
- WDTNMI is found in the
- Which of the following bits reads 0 under normal conditions but goes 1 when it wants to initiate some action?
- WDTISx bits control the
- The process of setting the WDTCNTCL bit in WDTCTL is through
- What is the function of this instruction “WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTCONFIG”, where **#define WDTCONFIG (WDTCNTCL|WDTSSEL)**
- Is this instruction correct?
- Setting the WDTTMSEL bit of the WDTCTL register makes the watchdog timer act as
- WDTIFG flag gets cleared if
- Which of the following is true about the BTFRFQx bits of the BTCTL register?
- Timer1 is responsible for
- For fACLK = 32 KHz, what would be the desirable range of flcd?
- Normally BTCNT1 only function is to provide a prescalar for the BNTCNT2?
- BTCNT2 provides 2 output signals?
- RTCSEC, RTCMIN, RTCDOW etc. are the bytes of a set of registers that are used to store
- The RTC module is configured in the calendar mode if
- THE RTC module makes use of the Basic Timer1 because
- IF RTCIE interrupt is generated then
- What does the RTCTEVx bits do?
- All channels within Timer_A share the same timer block
- Timer_A has
- TACLK and INCLK are
- In continuous mode of the counter
- TACLR bit in TACTL
- TACCTLn is a
- CCI1B comes from
- Which of the following parameters are given by the TACCR0?
- Why Timer_B is not considered as most suitable one for receiving asynchronous signals?
- Their is double buffering in the immediate mode?
- Double buffering protects channel 0
- Timer_B has
- The capture/compare registers TBCCRn are double-buffered, when used for compare events?
- The length of TBR can be programmed to be
- TBOUTH can pin can be used to
- TBCLn provided in each channel is actually
- When TBR counts to zero
- Which of the following is the analog to digital converter that is present in the MSP430 based processors?
- Higher resolution along with the slow speed is given by which ADC module?
- The technical terms that helps us in differentiating between converters are:
- The number of repeated closeness to the true value is accounted by
- Resolution is
- The process of reduction of a continuous input to a discrete output is
- Which of the following functions can be used for converting the nearest integer to its argument?
- Integral nonlinearity is termed as
- The SNR_______ with the increase of the number of bits
- The intervals between the samples is obtained from
- Comparator_A+ is controlled by which of the following peripheral registers?
- CAON bit is used to
- P2CA4-P2CA0 bits are used for
- CAREFx bits are used for
- Which of the following bits are not actually associated with the comparator module
- Flag CAIFG is raised,
- Setting a bit in the Port Disable register CAPD causes the circuits for the usual digital input and output buffers to be disconnected from the appropriate pin
- Which bit is used for exchanging the two inputs of the comparator and invert its output to compensate?
- Changes in Vcc changes the value of V+ ?
- The relaxation oscillator circuit helps in
- The successive approximation converters have resolution of
- In SAR based conversions, each bit typically requires one clock cycle (sometimes two) to make a comparison and set up the new voltage
- The main operations that are basically performed in a SAR ADC are?
- Usually a capacitor is inserted between an analog input and the ground because
- ADC10 and ADC12 are
- ADC10 needs external capacitors on its voltage reference
- ADC10CTL0 and ADC10CTL1 are registers
- While conversion is in progress, which of the flag is affected
- ADC10SHTx bits allow_________cycles of the ADC10CLK
- The input to the ADC10 is selected from_______bits of the ADC10CTL1 register?
- The basic idea behind the sigma delta converter is that
- Sigma delta converter is a
- Sigma delta converter is having good resolution
- Here the word sigma represents
- SD16_A features are controlled by
- The second part of the ADC handles purely digital signals
- The second part of the ADC’s output is in the form of
- The filtered digital signal is then decimated to
- Decimated means
- The SD16 has a second-order modulator with a
- What actually is bit bagging?
- SPI, I2C, Asynchronous serial communication are the means of communicating a processor with its associate partners?
- All digital communications doesn’t require any clock
- SPI needs______ wires than I2C?
- USI handles
- USCI consists of
- LIN is enabled in which of the following channels?
- Can one device have more than one USC interfaces?
- Which of the following conditions is more difficult to attain?
- Timer_A is used in
- Is SPI a full duplex technique?
- The concept of SPI is based on
- Writing on the trailing edge of the clock pulse and reading on the leading edge of the clock pulse is done when
- When CPOL=1 then,
- Is CPKH and CPOL the same
- SPI with the USI can be selected by
- SCLK, SDO, and SDI are found___________on F20x3
- Transmission and reception are made at a time in SPI?
- When the buffer is________ the low power mode is__________
- Falling edge of the SS pin denotes
- The I2C bus uses which of the following lines
- I2C is faster means of data transfer than SPI?
- Each slave has its unique address
- Pull-up resistors Rp keep the lines at VCC when
- Rising edge on SDA while SCL is high denotes
- Which of the following is an issue while programming I2C using software?
- Which of the following is the slave to be addressed when a device acts as a master
- Is baud rate selected in I2C?
- How is I2C with USI different from I2C with USI_B?
- UCB0RXIFG is set when
- Asynchronous serial communication usually requires two wires for each direction plus a common ground
- In asynchronous mode of transmission, usually the data is sent along with the
- The _____ rate gives the frequency at which the bits are transmitted on the line
- Baud rate is the reverse of the
- Clock is transmitted in the asynchronous communication?
- A framing error occurs is the bit is
- What is the non return to zero format?
- LSB is sent first in case of the non return to zero format
- Their are _______ clocks in the USCI_A
- BITCLK16 is the
(a).enable the interrupt
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