
Match the List 1 to List 2 and choose the correct option

belongs to collection: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - BASICS MCQ


Match the List 1 to List 2 and choose the correct option.
1. Requirement Elicitation ------- a. Module Development and integration.
2. Design------------------------------b. Analysis
3. Implementation------------------c. Structure and behavioral
4. Maintenance --------------------- d. Performance tuning.

  1. 1-c , 2-a , 3-d , 4-b
  2. 1-c , 2-a , 3-b , 4-d
  3. 1-a , 2-c , 3-d , 4-b
  4. 1-b , 2-c , 3-a , 4-d

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 (d).1-b , 2-c , 3-a , 4-d

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