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Which of the following is a medium for transporting the output of a system of the input of another system ?
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In functional decomposition, the data flow diagram
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Harry decides to determine the cohesion of a module by writing a brief statement of its purpose.He finds it has compound statements containing commas or more than one verb. The module probably has
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Dheeraj decides to determine the cohesion of his module by writing a brief statement of its purpose. He finds words such as\" Initialise\" \"Cleanup\" refer to the operations ofher module. The type of cohesion exhibit by his module can be said to be
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The scale of cohesion from the weakest (least desirable) to the strongest (most desirable) are
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The goal of modularization can be said to be
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The rating of coupling of modules for strongest (least desirable) to weakest (most desirable) are
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The goal of modularization can be said to produce systems where the elements of each modular exhibit
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Informational cohesion is a realization of
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Coupling is a measure of
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One demerit of functional model is
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Controls must be established in a system on order to
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Several usability measures can be collected while observing users interacting with a computer system including
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