
Java program to get student details


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Get and Print Student's Details program in Java

//program to get student details
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GetStudentDetails
      public static void main(String args[])
          String name;
          int roll, math, phy, eng;
          Scanner SC=new Scanner(System.in);
          System.out.print("Enter Name: ");
          System.out.print("Enter Roll Number: ");
          System.out.print("Enter marks in Maths, Physics and English: ");
          int total=math+eng+phy;
          float perc=(float)total/300*100;
          System.out.println("Roll Number:" + roll +"\tName: "+name);
          System.out.println("Marks (Maths, Physics, English): " +math+","+phy+","+eng);
          System.out.println("Total: "+total +"\tPercentage: "+perc);


Enter Name: Mike
Enter Roll Number: 101
Enter marks in Maths, Physics and English: 88 77 99
Roll Number:101	Name: Mike
Marks (Maths, Physics, English): 88,77,99
Total: 264	Percentage: 88.0


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