belongs to collection: C++ Classes and Object programs
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // class class Bank { private: int acno; char name[30]; long balance; public: void OpenAccount() { cout << "Enter Account Number: "; cin >> acno; cout << "Enter Name: "; cin >> name; cout << "Enter Balance: "; cin >> balance; } void ShowAccount() { cout << "Account Number: " << acno << endl; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Balance: " << balance << endl; } void Deposit() { long amt; cout << "Enter Amount U want to deposit? "; cin >> amt; balance = balance + amt; } void Withdrawal() { long amt; cout << "Enter Amount U want to withdraw? "; cin >> amt; if (amt <= balance) balance = balance - amt; else cout << "Less Balance..." << endl; } int Search(int); }; int Bank::Search(int a) { if (acno == a) { ShowAccount(); return (1); } return (0); } // main code int main() { Bank C[3]; int found = 0, a, ch, i; for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { C[i].OpenAccount(); } do { // display options cout << "\n\n1:Display All\n2:By Account No\n3:Deposit\n4:Withdraw\n5:Exit" << endl; // user input cout << "Please input your choice: "; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: // displating account info for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { C[i].ShowAccount(); } break; case 2: // searching the record cout << "Account Number? "; cin >> a; for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { found = C[i].Search(a); if (found) break; } if (!found) cout << "Record Not Found" << endl; break; case 3: // deposit operation cout << "Account Number To Deposit Amount? "; cin >> a; for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { found = C[i].Search(a); if (found) { C[i].Deposit(); break; } } if (!found) cout << "Record Not Found" << endl; break; case 4: // withdraw operation cout << "Account Number To Withdraw Amount? "; cin >> a; for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { found = C[i].Search(a); if (found) { C[i].Withdrawal(); break; } } if (!found) cout << "Record Not Found" << endl; break; case 5: // exit cout << "Have a nice day" << endl; break; default: cout << "Wrong Option" << endl; } } while (ch != 5); return 0; }
Enter Account Number: 111 Enter Name: Shivang EnterBalance: 30000 Enter Account Number: 112 Enter Name: Radib EnterBalance: 20000 Enter Account Number: 123 Enter Name: Prem EnterBalance: 10000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 1 Account Number: 111 Name: Shivang Balance: 30000 Account Number: 112 Name: Radib Balance: 20000 Account Number: 123 Name: Prem Balance: 10000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 2 Account Number? 111 Account Number: 111 Name: Shivang Balance: 30000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 3 Account Number To Deposit Amount? 112 Account Number: 112 Name: Radib Balance: 20000 Enter Amount U want to deposit? 20000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 2 Account Number? 112 Account Number: 112 Name: Radib Balance: 40000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 4 Account Number To Withdraw Amount? 111 Account Number: 111 Name: Shivang Balance: 30000 Enter Amount U want to withdraw? 15000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 1 Account Number: 111 Name: Shivang Balance: 15000 Account Number: 112 Name: Radib Balance: 40000 Account Number: 123 Name: Prem Balance: 10000 1:Display All 2:By Account No 3:Deposit 4:Withdraw 5:Exit Please input your choice: 5 Have a nice day
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C++ program for banking management system