
Python program to find the GCD of the array

belongs to collection: Python Array Programs


GCD of two or more non-zero number is the largest number that divides both or more non-zero numbers. It is one of the basic concepts of mathematics.


    Input : 
    8, 4

    Output : 

    8 and 4 are two non-zero numbers which are divided by 2 and 
    also by 4 but 4 is the largest number than 2. So, the GCD of 8 and 4 is 4. 

Here, an array of the non-zero numbers will be provided by the user and we have to find the GCD of the array elements in Python. To solve this problem, we will use the math module of Python. It is one of the most useful modules of Python used for mathematical operations. So, before going to solve this we will learn how to find the GCD of two non-zero numbers.

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Python program to find the GCD of two non-zero numbers

# importing the module
import math

# input two numbers
m,n=map(int,input('Enter two non-zero numbers: ').split())

#to find GCD

# printing the result
print('GCD of {} and {} is {}.'.format(m,n,g))


Run 1: 
Enter two non-zero numbers: 8 4
GCD of 8 and 4 is 4.

Run 2:
Enter two non-zero numbers: 28 35
GCD of 28 and 35 is 7.

Now, we have learned to find the GCD of two non-zero number but our main task is to find the GCD of an array element or more than two non-zero numbers. So, let's go to write a Python program by simply using the above concepts.

Python program to find the GCD of the array

# importing the module
import math

# array of integers

#initialize variable b as first element of A
for j in range(1,len(A)):
print('GCD of array elements is  {}.'.format(b))


GCD of array elements is 5. 

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