
Python program to get matrix as input from user and print it in different type

belongs to collection: Python Array Programs


Matrix in python is a two-dimensional data structure which is an array of arrays.

In python, you can easily create a matrix and access elements of the matrix. Here is a program to illustrate creating a matrix and different methods to print it.

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Program to get matrix as input from user and print it in different type


rows=int(input("Enter number of Rows of the matrix : "))
cols=int(input("Enter number of columns of the matrix : "))

for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(cols):
        v=int(input("Enter Value : "))

print("Method 1")
for i in range(len(t)):
    for j in  range(len(t[i])):
        print(t[i][j],end=' ')

print("Method 2")
for R in t:
    for C in R:
        print(C,end = ' ')

print("Method 3 ", end = ' ')


Enter number of Rows of the matrix : 2
Enter number of columns of the matrix : 2
Enter Value : 54
Enter Value : 1
Enter Value : 76
Enter Value : 34
Method 1
54 1 
76 34 
Method 2
54 1 
76 34 
Method 3  ((54, 1), (76, 34))

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