
Python program to split and join a string

belongs to collection: Python String Programs


Splitting a string is taking the string and then storing it in a list as a list of words.

Joining string is taking a collection and a separator, and joining all values to a string.

Splitting and joining a string

We will take a string and separator as input from the user. Then print a list created by splitting the string into words. Then we will join them back to a string separated by the separator.

For splitting the string into words, we will use the split() method.



For joining the collection of words into a string with a separator, we will use the join() method.


'separator'.join(collection of string)


  • Get the string and separator as input from the user.
  • Using the split() method, create a collection of words from the string.
  • Using the join() method, create a string with words separated by a separator.
  • Print both the values.

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Program to split and join a string

# Python program to split and join string 

# Getting input from user 
myStr =  input('Enter the string : ')
separator = input('Enter the separator : ')

# splitting and joining string 
splitColl = myStr.split(' ')
joinedString = separator.join(splitColl)
# printing values


Enter the string : learn python programming at include help
Enter the separator : /
['learn', 'python', 'programming', 'at', 'include', 'help']

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Python String Programs

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