
Python | Program to print words with their length of a string

belongs to collection: Python String Programs


Given a string and we have to split the string into words and also print the length of the each word in Python.


    str = "Hello World How are you?"

    Hello ( 5 )
    World ( 5 )
    How ( 3 )
    are ( 3 )
    you? ( 4 )

String.split() Method

To split string into words, we use split() method, it is an inbuilt method which splits the string into set of sub-string (words) by given delimiter.

split() Method Syntax:



For example, there is a string str = "ABC PQR XYZ" and we want to split into words by separating it using space, then space will be delimiter here. To split the string to words, the statement will be str.split(" ") and then output will be "ABC" "PQR" "XYZ".

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# Function to split into words
# and print words with its length

def splitString (str):
	# split the string by spaces
	str = str.split (' ')
	# iterate words in string
	for words in str:
		print words," (", len (words), ")"

# Main code 
# declare string and assign value 
str = "Hello World How are you?"

# call the function


    Hello  ( 5 )
    World  ( 5 )
    How  ( 3 )
    are  ( 3 )
    you?  ( 4 )

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Python String Programs

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