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Chapter: 63 / Q: 4
The patient is treated with red blood cell infusions, folic acid supplementation, iron supplementa tion, and oral glucocorticoids and is well for several months with an improvement in anemia and fatigue. At one year, the patient shows worsening anemia and fatigue and is diagnosed with portal th
Chapter: 63 / Q: 5
She was started on eculizumab. What is the mechanism of action of this agent?
Chapter: 63 / Q: 6
Which of the following is a serious potential adverse effect of eculizumab?
Chapter: 64 / Q: 1
Which of the following lab tests is necessary to complete the staging of the patient according to the International Staging System (ISS)?
Chapter: 64 / Q: 2
Further evaluation reveals a beta-2 microglobulin level of 4.7 mg/L, free light chain assay showing increased kappa/lambda ratio of 7.9, and the bone marrow aspirate noted 13% plasma cells. To establish a diagnosis of MM, what is the most pertinent finding?
Chapter: 64 / Q: 3
What chromosome abnormality is not commonly found in patients with MM?
Chapter: 64 / Q: 4
Which of the following options reflects the correct descending order for the type of immuno globulin that is responsible for the M -spike in MM?
Chapter: 64 / Q: 4
Which of the following treatment regimens would not be appropriate for a patient who is consid ered a candidate for bone marrow transplantation?
Chapter: 64 / Q: 6
The patient is treated with bortezomib-dexamethasone and has a good response, with decrease in serum M-protein, decrease in beta-2 microglobulin, and normalization of creatinine. After 6 months of observation, he is hospitalized with a painful compression fracture, and theM -protein is increased
Chapter: 64 / Q: 7
In determining eligibility for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with MM, which of the following would be considered a possible reason for exclusion from transplant?
total questions: 215




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