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Chapter: 1 / Q: 21
A 60 year old pt who has had a MI a week back presents with dyspnea and pericardial rub. ECG shows ST elevation. CXR: loss of margin at costo-vertebral angle. What is the single most likely cause?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 22
A 57 year old woman who is suffering from hypertension, presented to the hospital with complaints of recurrent falls when trying to get out of bed or getting up from sitting. She is on some anti-hypertensive therapy with no other medical problems. What is the cause of her fall?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 23
A 47 year old man with history of IHD complains of chest pain with SOB on exertion over the past few days. ECG normal, Echo= increased EF (ejection fraction) and decreased septal wall thickness. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 24
A 66 year old man has the following ECG. What is the most appropriate next step in management?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 25
ECG of an 80 year old patient of ICH shows saw-tooth like waves, QRS complex of 80ms duration, ventricular rate=150/min and regular R-R interval. What is the most porbable diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 26
A 54 year old patient 7 days after a total hip replacement presents with acute onset breathlessness and raised JVP. Which of the following investigation will be most helpful in leading to a diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 27
A 61 year old man has been referred to the OPD with frequent episodes of breathlessness and chest pain along with palpitations. He has a regular pulse rate 60bpm. ECG sinus rhythm. What is the most appropriate investigation to be done?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 28
A woman had an MI. She was breathless and is put on oxygen mask and GTN, her chest pain has improved. Her HR 40bpm. ECG shows ST elevation in leads I, II, III. What is your next step?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 29
A 45 year old man who is diabetic and hypertensive but poorly compliant has chronic SOB (shortness Of Breath), develops severe SOB and chest pain. Pain is sharp, increased by breathing and relieved by sitting forward. What is the single most appropriate dx?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 30
A 50 year old lady presents to emergency department with sudden severe chest pain radiating to both shoulder and accompanying SOB (shortness of breath). Examination: cold peripheries and paraparesis. What is the single most appropriate diagnosis?
total questions: 1721




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