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Chapter: 1 / Q: 41
A 65 year old man with hypertension develops gingival hyperplasia. What is the single most likely cause?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 42
A 65 year old woman is undergoing coronary angiography. What measure will protect her kidneys from contrast?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 43
A 53yo had a dental extraction after which he recently had a mitral valve prolapse, high temp of 39C, cardiac failure and new cardiac murmur. What is the single most likely dx?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 44
A 46 year old African-Caribbean man is found to have BP 160/90mmHg on 3 separate occasions. What is the best initial treatment?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 45
A 45 year old man had recently started taking anti-hypertensive therapy. 6 months later his RBS is 14mmol/l. Which single drug is most likely to have caused this?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 46
A 43 year old lady is admitted with pyrexia, arthropathy, breathlessness and syncope. She was recently diagnosed with pulmonary emboli. There is an early diastolic sound and a mid-diastolic rumble. Her JVP is elevated with prominent a-waves. What is the most likely cause?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 47
A 60 year old lady has severe chest pain. ECG shows changes of inferior wall MI. ECG also shows progressive prolongation of PR interval until a QRS complex is dropped. What is the most probable diagnosis?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 48
A 56 year old man was recently put on anti-hypertensive medications and recent biochemistry on 2 occasions showed: Na+ 132, K+ 7.6, Urea 11.3, Creatinine 112. Which of the following drugs is responsible for this result?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 49
A 63 year old man continues to experience chest pain and has a temperature of 37.8 ̊C 2 days after an acute MI. His ECG shows widespread ST elevation with upward concavity. What is the single most likely explanation for the abnormal investigation?
Chapter: 1 / Q: 50
A 55 year old man returns for routine follow up 6 weeks after an MI. He gets breathless when walking uphill. His ECG shows ST elevation in leads V1, V2, V3 and V4. What is the single most likely explanation for the abnormal investigation?
total questions: 1721




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