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we made some programs based on User Define Functions, read the program and try to implement same programs on your system and then try to make different programs based on User Define Functions.


C program to find SUM and AVERAGE of two integer Numbers using User Define Functions
C program to print Table of an Integer Number using User Define Function
C program to find Sum of all Array Elements by passing array as an argument using User Define Functions
C program to find Length of the String by passing String/ Character Array as an Argument using User Define Functions
C program to find Total Amount of purchased Items by Passing Structure as an Argument using User Define Functions
C - User define function example with no argument and no return type
C - User define function example with arguments and no return type
C program to pass a one dimensional (1D) array to a function
C program to find sum of the array elements (pass an integer array to a function and return the sum)
C program to swap elements of two integer arrays using user define function
C program to pass a string to a function
C program to pass an array of strings to a function
C program to pass multiple type of arguments to a function
C program to pass function as an argument to a function
C program to pass two dimensional array (Two-D array) to a function
C program to pass a structure to a user define function
C program to pass an array of structure to a user-defined function
C program to swap two strings using user define function
total questions: 18





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