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In this study list, there are unique and logical programs available on Basic Input Output, If else, Conditional Statement (Ternary Operator) based programs. These programs are starts from very basic level to high level. Each program contains source codes, output and explanation of the logic.


C program to calculate profit or loss
Calculate the distance between two cities from kilometers to meters, centimeters, feet and inches using C program
C program to find area and perimeter of the rectangle
C program to generate random numbers within a range
C Example to subtract two integers without using Minus (-) operator
C Example for different floating point values prediction
C Example for nested \"printf\"
C program to find remainder of two numbers without using modulus (%) operator
C program to convert ascii to integer (atoi() implementation)
C program to print ASCII table/chart
C program to swap two numbers using four different methods
C program to check a given character is alphanumeric or not without using the library function
C program to check a given character is a digit or not without using the library function
C program to check a given character is a whitespace character or not without using the library function
C program to check a given character is an uppercase character or not without using the library function
C program to check a given character is a lowercase character or not without using the library function
C program to check a given character is a punctuation mark or not without using the library function
C program to check whether a character is a printable character or not without using library function
C program to convert a lowercase character into uppercase without using library function
C program to convert an uppercase character into lowercase without using library function
total questions: 90





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