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This study list contains the solved Golang string programs. Practice these Golang string programs to learn the string concepts, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang string programs.


Golang program to check a string contains a specified substring
Golang program to convert specified string in uppercase
Golang program to convert specified string in lowercase
Golang program to get the index of a specified character in the string
Golang program to get the length of the specified string
Golang program to split the string using a specified delimiter
Golang program to demonstrate the strings.Repeat() function
Golang program to demonstrate the strings.Replace() function
Golang program to demonstrate the strings.Join() function
Golang program to check the specified substring is the prefix of the given string
Golang program to count the total occurrences of a specified character in the specified string
Golang program to check the specified substring is the suffix of the given string
Golang program to get characters from a string using the index
Golang program to print ASCII value of characters of the string
Golang program to trim space from both ends of string using TrimSpace() function
Golang program to trim specified characters from a string using Trim() function
Golang program to trim specified characters from the left side of string using TrimLeft() function
Golang program to trim specified characters from the right side of string using TrimRight() function
Golang program to demonstrate the strings.Compare() function
Golang program to demonstrate the strings.ContainsAny() function
total questions: 27





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