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We are trying to list out the most frequently asked interview problems or the problem given in the coding rounds of IT giants.


A matrix of characters schematically represents a swamp. The swamp is composed of muddy areas
There is a set contains N number of elements. We have to divide this set into two different sets where each of the subsets contains the same number of elements and has a minimum difference between them
There is a set contains N number of elements. You have to find out all the possible subsets of the given set and print them
There is a string given to you. You have to find out whether the given string is a sum string or not. For a string \"12345168213\" if it goes like this, \"123\" + \"45\" = \"168\" \"45\" + \"168\" = \"213\" then it is a sum string otherwise not
There is a set contains N no. of unsorted characters. You have to find out the power sets in lexicographic order of a given set of numbers and print them
A matrix is given to you and eight vacant spaces are there. You have to fill the places with the digits 1 to 8 in a way that there are not any adjacent places filled with its next digits
A set is given. You have to make K subsets by which all of the subsets have equal sum
Given a set of positive numbers and a number, your task is to find out the combinations of the numbers from the set whose summation equals to the given number
Given a set of positive numbers and a number, your task is to find out the combinations of the numbers from the set whose summation equals to the given number
A string and a pattern are given to you. You have to match the pattern and string without using regular expression
Given a chess board and a knight is placed to any of the position of the chess. You have to find out either the knight will go through all the positions of the chess and if it is possible then print the total chess or not possible
Given an array of integers A[] and a positive integer k, find whether it\'s possible to divide this array into k non-empty subsets whose sums are all equal
You are given a matrix of the size of N*M, you need to print all the paths from top left to the bottom right of the given matrix. You can only move in right and down direction
The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given an integer n, print all distinct solutions to the n-queens puzzle
You are given a string, you have to print all the subsequences of the string in lexicographical order
You are given a matrix of size N*M, you start from first cell and you need to reach bottom right cell. You need to print count of all the unique path that are possible
total questions: 16





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