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C# basic programs/examples with the output and explanation. These all implemented programs are written, compiled in the Visual studio. These programs are based on the simple printing messages, mathematical problems, date & time formats etc.


C# program to implement hierarchical inheritance using the interface
C# program to demonstrate the inheritance of interfaces
C# program to implement the same abstract method in multiple classes
C# program to inherit an abstract class and interface in the same class
C# program to demonstrate abstract class with multiple-level inheritance
C# program to implement multiple-inheritance using abstract class and interface
C# program to demonstrate the simple example of the abstract class
C# program to demonstrate the inheritance of abstract classes
C# program to implement hierarchical inheritance using the abstract class
C# program to demonstrate the use of reflection to get namespace and base-type
C# program to print class names created in the program using reflection
C# program to print class names and its method names using reflection classes
C# program to print method names and its parameters using reflection classes
C# program to print constructors of the specified class using ConstructorInfo class
C# program to print properties of the specified class using PropertyInfo class
C# program to check a specified class is an abstract class or not
C# program to check a specified class is a sealed class or not
C# program to check a specified class is a serializable class or not
C# program to check a class is a sub-class of a specified class or not
C# program to check a specified type is an enum or not
total questions: 78





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