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This study list contains C# basic programs/examples with the output and explanation. These all implemented programs are written, compiled in the Visual studio. These programs are based on the simple printing messages, mathematical problems, date & time formats etc.



C# program to swap numbers using XOR operator
C# program to find the magnitude of an integer number
C# program to demonstrate the example of the left-shift operator
C# program to read the grade of students and print the appropriate description of grade
C# program to calculate the size of the area in square-feet based on specified length and width
C# program to demonstrate the example of the right shift operator
C# program to find the division of exponents of the same base
C# program to demonstrate the example goto statement
C# program to print a message without using the WriteLine() method
C# program to convert a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit
C# program to convert a meter into kilo-meter and vice versa
C# program to convert a decimal number into a hexadecimal number
C# program to convert a hexadecimal number into a decimal number
C# program to convert a decimal number into an octal number
C# program to convert a decimal number into a binary number
C# program to convert a binary number into a decimal number
C# program to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit into Celsius
C# program to create gray code
C# program to change the case of entered character
C# program to convert entered days into years, weeks, and days
total questions: 79





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