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This study list contains programs on Class and Objects, here you will learn how to create classes and their instances, calling the class methods etc.



Java program to implement constructor chaining
Java program to create an object of a class as a data member in another class
Java program to create an object of a class as a data member in another class
Java program to demonstrate the instanceof operator
Java program to create an anonymous object
Java program to call a method using the anonymous object
Java program to implement cascaded method call with an anonymous object
Java program to check anonymous class using isAnonymousClass() method
Java program to check whether the specified Class object represents an array or not
Java program to check whether the specified Class object represents a primitive type or not
Java program to check whether the specified Class object represents an interface type or not
Java program to check whether an object belongs to a particular class or not
Java program to demonstrate the newInstance() method
Java program to get the class name using the object of the class
Java program to represent the class in different ways
Java program to call static block using the anonymous object
Java program to check whether a class is a local class or not
Java program to check whether a class is a member class or not
Java program to check whether a class is declared as an enum or not
Java program to check an annotation type using the isAnnotation() method
total questions: 50





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