C Program to Cyclically Permute the Elements of an Array
Write a c program to cyclically permute the element of an array. (In right to left direction). Array should be taken as input from the user.
Explanation with example:
Let the user input for the array be: 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 34 56 1
The cyclic permutation operation on the array results in rotation of the array by one position in right to left direction.
Thus the array becomes: 5 6 7 8 10 11 34 56 1 4
i.e. the first element becomes the last element & the rest of the elements are shifted by one position.
To shift the (i+1)th element to the left can be easily done only by: A[i] =A[i+1]; // A is the input array So it may seem that the entire shifting can be done by For i =0:n-1 A[i] =A[(i+1)%n]; End For But this will lead to wrong solution since for i=n-1 A[n-1]=A[0] which is correct statement but A[0] has been updated already. This code snippet will result in A[0] & A[n-1] to be same which is actually wrong. So what we need to do is to store A[0] ( staring element) and assign this value to A[n-1] Thus, a little modification can lead to correct solution: 1. Set temp to A[0] 2. For i=0:n-1 If i==n-1 A[i]=temp; //actually it means A[n-1]=A[0] Else A[i]=A[i+1]; End If End For 3. Print the updated array.
C Implementation for Cyclically Permute the Elements of an Array
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