
C program to create and print array of strings


C program to create and print array of strings

Learn: How to create, read and print an array of strings? This program will demonstrate usages of array of strings in C programming language.

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Program to create, read and print an array of strings in C

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_STRINGS	10
#define STRING_LENGTH	50

int main()
	int loop,n;
	printf("Enter total number of strings: ");
	printf("Enter strings...\n");
	for(loop=0; loop<n; loop++)
		printf("String [%d] ? ",loop+1);
		getchar(); //read & ignore extra character (NULL)
		//read string with spaces
	printf("\nStrings are...\n");
	for(loop=0; loop<n; loop++)
		printf("[%2d]: %s\n",loop+1,strings[loop]);
	return 0;


Enter total number of strings: 5
Enter strings...
String [1] ? Hello friends, How are you?
String [2] ? I hope, you all are fine!
String [3] ? By the way, what are you doing?
String [4] ? I hope you're doing good.
String [5] ? Bye Bye!!! 

Strings are...
[ 1]: Hello friends, How are you? 
[ 2]: I hope, you all are fine! 
[ 3]: By the way, what are you doing? 
[ 4]: I hope you're doing good. 
[ 5]: Bye Bye!!!

Here, MAX_STRINGS is a Macro that define total number of maximum strings and STRING_LENGTH to define total number of characters in a string.

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