
C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling

belongs to collection: C++ File Handling Solved Programs


Write a C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling. Here’s simple program to read and write values through object using File Handling in C++ Programming Language.

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Below is the source code for C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System to produce desired output as shown below :



/*  C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling  */

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

//class student to read and write student details
class student
        char name[30];
        int age;
        void getData(void)
            cout<<"\nEnter name :: ";
            cout<<"\nEnter age :: ";

        void showData(void)
            cout<<"\nName :: "<<name<<"\n\nAge :: "<<age<<endl;

int main()
    student s;

    ofstream file;

    //open file in write mode
      cout<<"\nError in creating file......"<<endl;
      return 0;
    cout<<"\nFile created successfully.........."<<endl;

    //write into file
    s.getData();    //read from user
    file.write((char*)&s,sizeof(s));    //write into file

    file.close();   //close the file
    cout<<"\nFile saved and closed succesfully......."<<endl;

    //re open file in input mode and read data
    //open file1
    ifstream file1;
    //again open file in read mode
        cout<<"\nError in opening file.......";
        return 0;

    cout<<"\nReading data from the text File :: \n";
    //read data from file

    //display data on monitor
    //close the file

    return 0;


/*  C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling  */

File created successfully..........

Enter name :: CodezClub

Enter age :: 19

File saved and closed succesfully.......

Reading data from the text File ::

Name :: CodezClub

Age :: 19

Process returned 0

Above is the source code for C++ program to read and write values through object using File Handling which is successfully compiled and run on Windows System.The Output of the program is shown above .

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