PHP Programming Exercises
- Write a php program to compare between things that are not integers
- Write a division table program in PHP using for loop
- Write a program in PHP to print prime numbers between 1 and 100
- Write a php program to print numbers from 10 to 1 using the recursion function
- Write a php program to store the username in cookie and check whether the user have successfully login or not
- Write a php program to convert the given string into an array
- Write a php program to loop over the json data
- Write a program in PHP to remove all html tags except paragraph and italics tags
- Write a program to loop through an associative array using foreach() or with each()
- Write a php program to differentiate between fgets, fgetss and fgetcsv
- There are two deals of an item to buy. The quantities and prices of the item are given below. Write a program in PHP to find the best deal to purchase the item
- Write a php program to set session on successful login
- Write a program in PHP to read from directory
- PHP create image from text and save
- How to get data from XML file in PHP
- PHP Create Word Document from HTML
- How to check whether a year is a leap year or not in PHP
- Fibonacci Series Program in PHP
- How to generate QR Code in PHP
- How does PHP store data in cache?
- How to detect a mobile device using PHP?
- How to send HTML form data to email using PHP?
- How to get location from IP address using PHP?
- How to lock a file using PHP?
- How to import a CSV file into MySQL using PHP
- How to fetch data from database in PHP and display in PDF
- How to insert image in database using PHP
- How to remove last character from string using PHP?
- Write a PHP program to reverse a string without predefined function
- Write a PHP program to calculate percentage of total
- How to sanitize input for MySQL using PHP?
- Write a program to calculate electricity bill in PHP
- How to send email with SMTP in PHP?
- How to Send Text Messages With PHP?
- How to convert stdClass object to Array in PHP?
- How do I import Excel data into MySQL database using PHP?
- How can I post a form without refreshing the page?
- How to sort table columns with PHP and MySQL?
- How to get current directory, filename and code line number in PHP
The CSV stands for "Comma-separated-values", as it uses a comma to separate values. This is a widely used file format that stores data in a tabular format. We generally use this in business, data-based applications for data exchange. Most organisations are web-based, so there may also be a common need to import data from a spreadsheet or a CSV file to a database. The data in a CSV is stored as sequences of records. With the help of PHP, we can easily store each comma-separated sequence in a database row.
Suppose we have the following data stored in a CSV file -
Anjali,,878433948 Priska,,493905490 Abhi,,403022139 Smith,,504903904
Here is the script with a step-by-step code explanation. First, we create a main file 'index.php' that we will call in the browser. In this, we take an HTML file upload form with a submit button.
At the top of the 'index.php' page, we have used two PHP constants UPLOAD_DIR and MAXSIZE to define the upload directory and maximum allowed file size limit respectively.
define('UPLOAD_DIR', '/var/uploaded_files/'); define('MAXSIZE', 7340032); // allow max 7 MB
Next, we have defined all the allowed file extensions in an array $ALLOWED_FILEEXT and all the allowed MIME types in an array $ALLOWED_MIME.
$ALLOWED_MIME = array('text/comma-separated-values', 'text/csv', 'text/plain', 'application/csv', 'application/excel', 'application/', 'application/vnd.msexcel');
Next, we create a function name 'allowedfile()' in the same 'index.php' file that accepts a temporary file name and destination path as parameters. In this, we got the uploaded file extension using the PHP predefined function pathinfo() and the mime type of the uploaded file using mime_content_type() function. The allowedfile() function returns TRUE if both file extension and MIME type of the uploaded file are allowed.
function allowedfile($tempfile, $destpath) { global $ALLOWED_MIME; $file_ext = pathinfo($destpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $file_mime = mime_content_type($tempfile); $valid_mime = in_array($file_mime, $ALLOWED_MIME); $allowed_file = ($file_ext == 'csv') && $valid_mime; return $allowed_file; }
Next, create a function 'handleUpload()' and validate the file size and call the 'allowedfile()' function within it before moving the file to its destination.
function handleUpload() { $temp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); $file_dest = UPLOAD_DIR. $filename; $is_uploaded = is_uploaded_file($temp); $valid_size = $_FILES['file']['size'] <= MAXSIZE && $_FILES['file']['size'] >= 0; if ($is_uploaded && $valid_size && allowedfile($temp, $file_dest)) { move_uploaded_file($temp, $file_dest); insertCSV($file_dest); } else { $response = 'Error: uploaded file size or type is not valid.'; } return $response; }
Here, we have added different error handling cases and called 'handleUpload()' within one of the cases. PHP returns an appropriate error code along with the file array. It is found in the file error segment or, $_FILES['file']['error'], that returns the error code if any problem is created during the file upload.
// Handle Error if (!empty($_FILES)) { echo $error = $_FILES['file']['error']; switch($error) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: $response = handleUpload(); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $response = 'Error: file size exceeds the allowed.'; break; default: $response = 'An unexpected error occurred; the file could not be uploaded.'; break; } } else { $response = 'Please upload CSV file'; } echo $response;
Next, we have created a function 'insertCSV()' to store data in the database. Here is the table structure, you can either copy paste this in your database, or you can use your existing MySQL table.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `empdata` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(25) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `phone` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
need an explanation for this answer? contact us directly to get an explanation for this answerfunction insertCSV($filename){ $conn = mysqli_connect('hostname', 'username', 'password', 'database'); //Check for connection error if($conn->connect_error){ die("Error in DB connection: ".$conn->connect_errno." : ".$conn->connect_error); } if($fileHandle = fopen($filename, "r")){ while(($row = fgetcsv($fileHandle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) { $insert = "INSERT into empdata(name,email,phone) values('$row[0]','$row[1]','$row[2]')"; if(mysqli_query($conn, $insert)){ echo 'Data inserted successfully'; } else{ echo 'Error: '.mysqli_error($conn); } } fclose($fileHandle); echo "CSV File has been successfully Imported."; } }