
Python program to find the maximum and minimum value node from a doubly linked list

belongs to collection: Python Doubly Linked List Programs


In this program, we will create a doubly linked list then, iterate through the list to find out the minimum and maximum node.

We will maintain two variables min and max. Min will hold the minimum value node, and max will hold the maximum value node. In the above example, 1 will be the minimum value node and 9 will be the maximum value node


  1. Define a Node class which represents a node in the list. It will have three properties: data, previous which will point to the previous node and next which will point to the next node.
  2. Define another class for creating the doubly linked list, and it has two nodes: head and tail. Initially, head and tail will point to null.
  3. minimumNode() will prints out minimum value node:
  • Define variable min and initialize with head's data.
  • Current will point to head.
  • Iterate through the list by comparing each node's data with min.
  • If min > current's data then min will hold current's data.
  • At the end of the list, variable min will hold the minimum value node.
  • Print the min value.

a. maximumNode() will prints out maximum value node:

  • Define variable max and initialize with head's data.
  • Current will point to head.
  • Iterate through the list by comparing each node's data with max.
  • If max < current's data then max will hold current's data.
  • At the end of the list, variable max will hold the maximum value node.
  • Print the max value.

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#Represent a node of doubly linked list    
class Node:    
    def __init__(self,data):    
        self.data = data;    
        self.previous = None;    
        self.next = None;    
class MinMax:    
    #Represent the head and tail of the doubly linked list    
    def __init__(self):    
        self.head = None;    
        self.tail = None;    
    #addNode() will add a node to the list    
    def addNode(self, data):    
        #Create a new node    
        newNode = Node(data);    
        #If list is empty    
        if(self.head == None):    
            #Both head and tail will point to newNode    
            self.head = self.tail = newNode;    
            #head's previous will point to None    
            self.head.previous = None;    
            #tail's next will point to None, as it is the last node of the list    
            self.tail.next = None;    
            #newNode will be added after tail such that tail's next will point to newNode    
            self.tail.next = newNode;    
            #newNode's previous will point to tail    
            newNode.previous = self.tail;    
            #newNode will become new tail    
            self.tail = newNode;    
            #As it is last node, tail's next will point to None    
            self.tail.next = None;    
    #MinimumNode() will find out minimum value node in the list    
    def minimumNode(self):    
        #Node current will point to head    
        current = self.head;    
        #Checks if list is empty    
        if(self.head == None):    
            print("List is empty");    
            return 0;    
            #Initially, min will store the value of head's data    
            min = self.head.data;    
            while(current != None):    
                #If value of min is greater than current's data    
                #Then, replace value of min with current node's data    
                if(min > current.data):    
                    min = current.data;    
                current = current.next;    
        return min;    
    #MaximumNode() will find out maximum value node in the list    
    def maximumNode(self):    
        #Node current will point to head    
        current = self.head;    
        #Checks if list is empty    
        if(self.head == None):    
            print("List is empty");    
            return 0;    
            #Initially, max will store the value of head's data    
            max = self.head.data;    
            #If value of max is lesser than current's data    
            #Then, replace value of max with current node's data    
            while(current != None):    
                if(current.data > max):    
                    max = current.data;    
                current = current.next;    
        return max;    
dList = MinMax();    
#Add nodes to the list    
#Prints the minimum value node in the list    
print("Minimum value node in the list: "+ str(dList.minimumNode()));    
#Prints the maximum value node in the list    
print("Maximum value node in the list: "+ str(dList.maximumNode()));   



Minimum value node in the list: 1
Maximum value node in the list: 9

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