
Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal

belongs to collection: Python Function Programs


n this tutorial, we will discuss how we can convert the decimal number into binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers.

Decimal System: The most widely used number system is decimal system. This system is base 10 number system. In this system, ten numbers (0-9) are used to represent a number.

Binary System: Binary system is base 2 number system. Binary system is used because computers only understand binary numbers (0 and 1).

Octal System: Octal system is base 8 number system.

Hexadecimal System: Hexadecimal system is base 16 number system.

This program is written to convert decimal to binary, octal and hexadecimal.

We have a number in a decimal number, and we have to convert it into a binary, octal, and hexadecimal number. We will use a function for converting decimal numbers to binary numbers, decimal numbers to octal numbers, and decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers.

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Input: 64  


         64 in Binary: 0b1000000  

         64 in Octal:  0o100  

         64 in Hexadecimal:  0x40  

  Input: 312  


         312 in Binary:  0b100111000  

         312 in Octal: 0o470  

         312 in Hexadecimal:  0x138  


# First, we will define the function to convert decimal to binary  
def decimal_into_binary(decimal_1):  
    decimal = int(decimal_1)  
    # then, print the equivalent decimal  
    print ("The given decimal number", decimal, "in Binary number is: ", bin(decimal))  
# we will define the function to convert decimal to octal  
def decimal_into_octal(decimal_1):  
    decimal = int(decimal_1)  
    # Then, print the equivalent decimal  
    print ("The given decimal number", decimal, "in Octal number is: ", oct(decimal))  
# we will define the function to convert decimal to hexadecimal  
def decimal_into_hexadecimal(decimal_1):  
    decimal = int(decimal_1)  
    # Then, print the equivalent decimal  
    print ("The given decimal number", decimal, " in Hexadecimal number is: ", hex(decimal))  
# Driver program  
decimal_1 = int (input (" Enter the Decimal Number: "))  


Case - (1):

Enter the Decimal Number:  12
The given decimal number 12 in Binary number is:  0b1100
The given decimal number 12 in Octal number is:  0o14
The given decimal number 12 in Hexadecimal number is:  0xc


Case - (2):

Enter the Decimal Number:  196
The given decimal number 196 in Binary number is:  0b11000100
The given decimal number 196 in Octal number is:  0o304
The given decimal number 196 in Hexadecimal number is:  0xc4



In the above program, we have used the inbuilt functions: bin() (for binary), oct() (for octal), and hex() (for hexadecimal) for converting the given decimal number into respective number systems. These functions take an integer and return a string.


In this tutorial, we have discussed how we can use the inbuilt functions of Python for converting decimal numbers into binary, octal, and hexadecimal number.

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