
Write a C# program to check the username and password


Write a C# program to check the username and password

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I have used Visual Studio 2012 for debugging purpose. But you can use any version of visul studio as per your availability..

using System;
public class Stringexercise
    public static void Main()
        string username, password;
        int ctr = 0;        
            Console.Write("Input a username: ");
            username = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Input a password: ");
            password = Console.ReadLine();
            if (username != "abcd" || password != "1234")
                ctr = 1;
        while ((username != "admin" || password != "123456") && (ctr != 3));
        if (ctr == 3)
            Console.WriteLine("\nLogin attemp three or more times. Try later!");
            Console.WriteLine("\nThe password entered successfully!");


Input a username: admin

Input a password: a

Input a username: admin

Input a password: 123456

The password entered successfully!

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