
Rust program to create mutable variables

belongs to collection: Rust Basic Programs


Here, we will create mutable variables using the mut keyword. By default Rust variables are immutable, we cannot change their values.

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Program/Source Code:

The source code to create mutable variables is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

// Rust program to create mutable variables

fn main() {
	let mut var1=10;        //32-bit signed integer 
	let mut var2=30.12;     //32-bit floating point number
	let mut var3=true;      //Boolean value
	let mut var4='A';       //Character

	var1 = 20;
	var2 = 30.24;
	var3 = false;
	var4 = 'B';

	println!("Var1: {}",var1);
	println!("var2: {}",var2);
	println!("var3: {}",var3);
	println!("Var4: {}",var4);


Var1: 20
var2: 30.24
var3: false
Var4: B


In the main() function, we created 4 mutable variables using the mut keyword. Then we printed the value of variables using println!() macro on the console screen.

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Rust Basic Programs

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