Write a program to demonstrate betwise operator left shift and right shift operator
belongs to collection: C Programming Exercises With Solutions
C Programming Exercises With Solutions
- Write a program in c to find the division of student
- Write a program in c to find prime number or not
- Write a program in c to find the leap year
- Write a progran to calculate factorial of a number
- Write a program in c to calculate power using recursion
- Write a program in c to find even or odd numbers
- Write a program in c to print fabonnaci series
- Write a Function to check uppercase letter
- Write a program in c to function to check lowercase letter
- Find the greater of the three numbers
- Write a program in c to type casting implicit explicit
- Write program to display number 1 to 10 in octal, decimal and hexadecimal system
- write program to generate following pattern
- write program to generate following pattern
- write program to generate following pattern
- Write a program to input from user (5 subjects) sum,average
- Write a program to print student marksheet
- Write a program to calculate simple interest
- Write a program in which you declare variable of all data types supported by C language. Get input from user and print the value of each variable with alignment left, right and column width 10. For real numbers print their values with two digits right to the decimal
- Write a program to demonstrate multiplication table input from user till 10
- Write a program to demonstrate addition of two matrix
- Write a program to multiplication of two matrix
- Write a program to get input from user and check matrix then matrix multiplication or print not matrix
- Write a program to print compare two numbers using ternary operators
- Write a program to convert temperature from centigrate to farenhiet
- Write a program to demonstrate betwise operator left shift and right shift operator
- Write a program to demonstrate print to increament and decreament operator
- Write a program to calculation of sum of the digit
- Write a program to reverse a string without using library function
- Write a c program to demonstrate Call by value
- write a c program demonstrate to call by reference
- Write a c program using switch case to calculate the area of circle,square and rectangle
- write program in c to calculate volume using function
- Write a program in c to search an element form array by linear serach method
- Write a c program to find transpose of matrix
- Write a c program to input a string and find it’s length without using library function
- write a c program to check whether the enter string palindrome or not
- Write a c program to calculate reverse string and length string help with library function
- Write a program in c to input and print details of an employee the id,name,salary using structure
- Write a c program to demonstrate array of structure
- Write a program in c to demonstrate pointer to a pointer(double pointer)
- Write a program to demonstrate the use of malloc and realloc in c
- write c program to generate following pattern
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