To get the ith bit, perform Anding operation between the ith bit and 1 (1 << i) after that shift the result ith position in right using the right operation.
#include <stdio.h>
//Macro to Get bit from the given position
#define GET_BITS(data, pos) ((data & ( 1 << pos)) >> pos)
int main()
unsigned char value = 16; //value in hex 00010000
unsigned char position = 1;
printf("%d\n", GET_BITS(value,position)); //print gets value from the 1th position
position = 4;
printf("%d\n", GET_BITS(value,position)); //print gets value from 3rd position
return 0;
To get the ith bit, perform Anding operation between the ith bit and 1 (1 << i) after that shift the result ith position in right using the right operation.
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