
C Program to reverse digits of a number

belongs to collection: C Programming on Numbers


In this blog post, we learn how to write a C Program to reverse the digits of a number? How to find reverse of any number using loop in C program. Logic to find the reverse of a number in C programming. How to write C program to reverse a number without using loop. How to write C program to reverse a number using array. How to write C program to reverse a number using function. Let’s see an example,

Input : num = 12345
Output : 54321
Input : num = 876
Output : 678

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#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int number, reversed = 0;
    // Input a number from user
    printf("Enter any number = ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    //Repeat the till number becomes 0
    while(number != 0)
         * Increase place value of reversed and
         * add last digit to reversed
        reversed = (reversed * 10) + (number % 10);
        // Remove last digit from number
        number /= 10;
    printf("Reverse = %d", reversed);
    return 0;



Enter any number = 4562
Reverse = 2654

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C Programming on Numbers

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