
Optimize way to find an nth Fibonacci number using c programming

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Optimize way to find an nth Fibonacci number using c programming

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simply we are using the concept Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 .

int Fibonacci(int n)
    int f0 = 0, f1 = 1, f =0, i=0;
    if( n == 0)
        return f0;
    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
        f = f0 + f1;
        f0 = f1;
        f1 = f;
    return f1;
int main ()
    int n = 0;
    int fn = 0;
    printf("\n Enter Number to find nth Fibonacci Number =  ");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    if(n < 0)
        printf("Please Enter Positive number\n\n");
        return -1;
    fn =  Fibonacci(n);
    printf("\n %d Fibonacci Number = %d\n\n", n, fn);
    return 0;

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C Programming on Numbers

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