LibreOffice is an application software
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LibreOffice Writer MCQ Quiz (Multiple Choice Questions And Answers)
- Which is the type of page orientation in LibreOffice Writer?
- Which function key is used for spell check?
- Shortcut key for manage template in LibreOffice Writer
- LibreOffice is an application software
- Font size can\'t be changed in LibreOffice writer
- key is used to go to select to the beginning of the line in LibreOffice writer
- Shortcut key used for line break in LibreOffice writer is
- Which key is used to go to beginning of the line in LibreOffice Writer?
- Which of the following key is used for align left of the text in LibreOffice Writer?
- Which of the following is not a component of the LibreOffice Suite?
- In LibreOffice writer which of the following shortcut is used to justify the document?
- What is the minimum font size in LibreOffice Writer?
- Which key is used for exit applications in LibreOffice writer?
- In LibreOffice writer, search is case sensitive
- Minimum zoom percentage in LibreOffice Writer is 20%
- Shortcut key Ctrl+1 is used for heading 1 style in selected text
- Bullets and numbering appears in the standard toolbar in LibreOffice writer
- Eleven menu are found in LibreOffice writer
- LibreOffice Writer templet does not include style formatting
- What is the default file extension of LibreOffice Writer?
- What is the maximum font size in LibreOffice Writer?
- Which was the most widely used word processing software in late 1970?
- What is the maximum zoon percentage in LibreOffice Writer?
- Short cut key for insert table in LibreOffice writer
- Print Preview shortcut key is .............. in LibreOffice writer
- FootNote is Located at ........... in LibreOffice Writer
- Shortcut key for increase the font size in libreOffice Writer is
- Shortcut key is ............. to open a document in LibreOffice Writer
- What is the default file name in LibreOffice Writer?
- Which key is used for subscript the text in LibreOffice Writer?
A. True
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