One operation that is not given by magnitude comparator
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(d). addition
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- Shift registers are used for
- 7 segment generates output
- In the 14 pin gate pin number 7 is marked as
- BCD to 7 segment is
- One that is a universal gate
- One operation that is not given by magnitude comparator
- Enable input of the shift register is called as
- Shift register has Integrated circuit with number
- 16x4 RAM indicates that each memory location is of
- 3x8 decoder will have
- Adding 1001 and 0010 gives output of
- To shift the data from right side to the shift register SH/LD pin must be equal to
- The subtracting of two binary numbers can be done by taking the 2\'s complement of the subtrahend and adding it to the
- IC type 7483 consists of
- In most of the logic gates 1 means
- In the 14 pin gate, pin number 14 is marked
- When J and complement of K are 1, flip-flop QA after the shift is equal to
- To clear the flip-flops we use
- Number of ripple counter in IC are
- When the output is equal to zero we can say that
- Two cross coupled NAND gates make
- Toggle switches has value of
- Mostly gates works on
- The clock output and master slave output provides a
- Full adder circuit uses two integrated circuits one is 7486 and other is
- 7493 IC consists of
- Integrated circuit number 7493 consists of
- Write operation in memory is performed when WE is
- For writing operation on memory
- ME input in RAM is called
- For function simplification combined no is
- Strobe S in a mux acts as
- Integrated circuit number 74151 has
- When WE= x it means that operation is
- Ripple counter IC has
- The comparison of two numbers in an operation that determines whether a number is greater, equal or less than other number is called as
- Every oscilloscope display should be crisscrossed with horizontal and vertical lines which is called as?
- ROM simulator converts binary codes into
- ROM simulator adds two 3bit and 2bit numbers to produce output of
- Four gates in a package is called
- IF E=0 in Up-down counter with Enable mode it means that the counter is
- 7404 is a
- Decimal digit in BCD can be represented by
- To start the game in lamp handball the start switch start the at the
- SR latch is made up of two cross coupled
- In the design procedure first step is to
- IC of 7 segment display contains
- Integrated circuit number 7493 can be connected to count from?
- Integrated circuit number 74161 has
- When Memory enabled (ME) is equal to 1 than it is
- Number of gates for the full adder can be reduced if JK flip-flop is used for
- Input clock of RS flip-flop is given to
- 74195 shifter register has
- ROM simulator is obtained from RAM when it is operated in the
- 7410 is the
- Counters that transfer invalid states to valid states are called
- In BCD, the number 1010 has
- 74151 IC consists of
- Up down counters decremented by
- Bidirectional shift registers shifts
- Integrated circuit number 74157 consists of
- When the control of shift register labeled as SH/LD =1, its means that the register is
- D flip-flop is a circuit having
- Shift register whose serial input is connected to some function of selected registers output is called as
- For reading operation on RAM, there should be
- 4 bit gray code can be converted into
- Gray to binary conversion can be implemented with
- Half adder adds two numbers of
- Lamp handball game uses application of
- When clear input of flip-flops goes to 0 the flip-flops become
- Parity checker is used for
- At the start of the lamp handball game the ball (indicator lamp) is placed at
- Shift registers are capable of shifting in
- The rate of movement of light in lamp handball game is determined by clock\'s
- QA inputs of shift registers behaves like inputs of
- The 14 pin of 7 segment 7730 is
- After 9 counts BCD counter goes back to
- JK master slave flip-flop has Integrated circuit number
- IC 7483 is 4-bit binary
- When the mode of adder-subtractor is 0 it will give
- Edge triggered flip-flops has
- BCD to 7 segment generates
- 74195 IC works as bidirectional shift register
- Decimal digits are displayed on
- 74195 shift registers have
- Full adder adds two numbers of
- IC number of BCD to 7 segment is
- Shift register that performs circular shift is called
- Each IC is recognized by its
- Input to ROM 10110 produces output of
- Adder-subtractor works on
- The combinational circuit can be implemented with two ICS, one is 7404 and other one is?
- IC type 74195 has
- Boolean function is simplified using
- Subtractor circuit is used for
- The input of the BCD counter is connected to the
- Master slave flip-flop has clock frequency minimum of
- IC type 7489 is a
- Logic probe is used for
- Mater slave flip-flop can be constructed with
- One that is not a type of integrated circuits
- 9 in binary code is represented by
- Integrated circuit number 7474 consists of
- The read operation is performed when WE is equal to
- An open-collector gate requires which resistor to perform correctly?
- IC of 7 segment display is numbered as
- Each gate has a delay of
- CRO is a device named as
- When J and complement of K are 0, flip-flop QA after the shift is
- 4bit counter will produce
- Clock pulses have
- For loading the data to shift register its SH/LD pin must equal to
- IC of XOR is numbered as
- When the mode of adder subtractor is 1 than it
- The inverter of F if
- 74195 IC can be converted to a bidirectional shift register with parallel load and conjunction with
- Integrated circuit number 7476 consists of
- Integrated circuit number 74157 has
- The left most position in the lamp handball game is the
- 4bit counter will be incremented by
- BCD counter is
- Integrated circuit number 74195 consists of
- 16x4 RAM indicates that memory location are
- Integrated circuit number 72555 timer is same as
- Integrated circuit number 74194 consists of
- In order to provide proper current to the leds of 7 segment with Vcc we use
- Memory can be expanded using two
- When the mode of adder subtractor is 0 than it
- LED stands for
- 4bit parallel adder produces output of
- Lamp handball game uses application of bidirectional shift register
- Edge triggered flip-flops can be
- 8 input mux will have
- The integrated circuits to be used in experiments can be classified as Small Scale Integration (SSI) and?
- No greater than 9 in BCD creates
- To start the addition carry flag is
- 2x1 multiplexer has
- Subtraction of two numbers can be done using
- Read operation in memory is performed when WE is
- Adder-subtractor operating on mode 1 at (X XOR 1) gives
- D flip-flop is constructed with
- In adder-subtractor circuit when addition exceeds from 15 output carry becomes
- RS flip-flop works on
- An Open-collector gate can be operated without an external resistor if its output is connected to
- Serial addition can be done with
- 7420 is the
- SSI Circuits contain individual gates and