Jobs scheduled using batch command can be removed using ___ option
belongs to collection: UNIX JOBS AND PROCESSES MCQ
- Which option is used by the system administrator for displaying processes of a user?
- The -a option when used with ps command lists processes of all users but doesn’t display the system processes
- Which option is used with ps command to list system processes?
- What will the output of the following command?
- There are ___ distinct phases of a process
- A system call is a programmatic way in which the program requests for the service from the kernel of an operating system
- Which of the following system call is used for creating a new process?
- When fork() is invoked, the child process created gets a new PID
- What is the value returned by fork system call, when the creation of child process is unsuccessful?
- Which system call is used to run a new program?
- It is necessary to terminate the command line with &, even when we are using nohup command
- Which of the following shell(s) allows the user to run jobs in the background even when the user has logged out (without using nohup command)?
- When nohup command is used, shells returns the _____
- nohup command doesn’t send the standard output of a command to any file
- What is the PID of the process who takes the parentage of the process run with nohup command?
- Which command is used to for executing jobs according to their priority?
- It is better to use & with nice command
- Which one of the following command is used for killing the last background job?
- By default, kill uses the SIGTERM signal (15) to terminate the process
- Which signal is used with kill command to terminate the process when they ignore the SIGTERM signal (15)?
- Which option is preferred while killing a process using SIGKILL signal (9)?
- Which of the followings command(s) is used to kill the login shell?
- Kill -l will list all the signal numbers on our machine
- The command fg %1 will bring the first background job to the foreground
- The command bg %2 is valid
- What does the following command do?
- Which of the following is not a part of job control facilities?
- POSIX shell provides job control facilities like bg or fg
- Which command is used to list the status of jobs?
- We can schedule a job to run at a specified time of day using _______ command
- We can use the _____ symbol with at command to redirect our output to a specified file
- Which of the following keyword is not supported by at command?
- Which one of the following forms used with at command is invalid?
- To remove a job from the queue, which option is used with at command?
- We cannot find out the name of the program scheduled using at command
- Which command permits to schedule jobs for later execution, as soon as the system load permits?
- Jobs scheduled using batch command goes to a special at queue
- Jobs scheduled using batch command can be removed using ___ option
- What is a daemon?
- What is cron?
- The cron tab is a table having a list of commands that are scheduled to be run at regular intervals
- Which of the following command will remove the current crontab?
- To find out how efficiently a program a used the system resources, which command is used?
- To start a process in the background, enter the command with this character at the end
- Every process running on the system has a
- Which of the following is not a job status?
- Which of the following commands are useful to job and process management?
- The \"nice\" command is used to
- Processes with a nice level of -20
- The \"renice\" command needs these arguments
- The method used by Unix to do multitasking is called
- The "ps" command gives you a
- By default, "ps" will list
- A process is an instance of _______ program
- A process is said to be ____ when it starts its execution
- When the process has completed its execution it is called ______
- Programs and process are synonymous
- Which data structure is used to store information about a process?
- Some attributes of every process are maintained by the kernel in memory in a separate structure called the ______
- Process table and process control block store same attributes of a process
- Each process is identified by a unique integer called ______
- Every process has a parent process
- The parent id of a child is called ______
- Which process is immediately set up by the kernel when we log on to a UNIX system?
- To know the PID of your current shell, which command will be used?
- The PID of our login shell doesn’t change
- What is the PID of the first process that is set up when the system is booted?
- Which of the following command doesn’t create a process?
- Which command shows some attributes of a process?
- Which of the following attribute is not shown by ps command?
- Which option is used by ps command to get a detailed listing of process attributes?
- Which system call is used by the parent process to wait for the child process to complete?
- We can run the jobs in the background in UNIX
- Shell ___ operator is used for running jobs in the background
- Which command is used for running jobs in the background?
- nice command is a ______ command in C shell
- Which option can be used explicitly to reduce the priority of any process
- Which command is used for premature termination of a process?
- What is a job?
- Which of the following command is used to suspend a job?
- Which command will push the current foreground job to the background?
- ____ command will bring the background jobs to the foreground
- We can list the jobs queued using at command by using ____ option
- UNIX supports preemptive multitasking
- The collection of memory locations that the process can access is called _______
- The virtual address space consists of ____ segments
- The segment representing the constants, globals and static variables is called:
- The stack stores the _______
- The attributes of every process are stored in ____
- The entire process life cycle is built around ___ system calls
- Which of the following system call is used for replicating a process?
- Which of the following functions is used for handling environment variables of a process?
- A process can be terminated using the exit or _exit system call
- Both exit and _exit system call share an identical syntax
- The parent process picks up the exit status of a child using ___ system call
- Which of the following system call is more powerful (in waiting mechanism) than wait system call?
- If the child dies first but the entry of that child in the process table is still present, then that process is called ____
- Every process belongs to a process group
- ____ exec is responsible for executing programs on a UNIX system
- Which of the following system call is used for duplicating file descriptor?
- We can also duplicate the file descriptor using ___
- Which of the following system call is preferred over dup and dup2 for replicating file descriptor?
- Which of the following system call is used for inter-process communication?
- We can use pipe with fork system call
- The action that a signal takes on receipt of a signal is called ____
- The sources from where the signals can be generated are:
- There are _____ signals that are generated from the keyboard
- Which of the following signals are generated from the hardware?
- ___ system call behaves in an identical manner to the kill command
- Which library function uses kill to send any signal to the current process?
- Which system call is used to set a timer that generates the SIGALARM signal?
- If two users execute the same program, the memory requirements are doubled
- Address space of a process is virtual
- Which of the following system calls returns one or more file descriptors?
- The environment variables are available in _____
- Which of the following functions are used for obtaining and setting the value of environment variables?
- Which of the following action can be taken by a process upon receiving a signal?
- What is the default disposition of most signals?
- Which of the following resources are required to be managed and monitored?
- System time comprises ____ components
- Which command is used to display all the running and active real-time processes?
- ____ command displays the list of all open files and processes
- ____ is a simple tool that will collect and show system input and output storage device statistics
- sar is a command line tool for collecting, viewing and recording performance data
- To override the default action and catch the signal ____ system call is used
- Which of the following functions can be performed using signal system call?
- Which of the following signals can neither be ignored nor catch?
- Which of the following comments about the signals system call are true?
- Which of the following characteristics of the original process are preserved when, the exec system call is executed
- Choose the correct statement
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