
Java program to get sub string from a given string

belongs to collection: Java String Programs



This method is a predefined (built-in) method of String class, its returns sub string (a part of string) from given start to end index.


String.substring(int start_index, int end_index);

Here, start_index is the start index from where we have to get the string. end_index is the end index.


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Consider the program:

Given string, start index and end index and we have to get the substring from the string.

import java.util.*;

class getSubstring
	public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
		Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
		String str="";
		int startIndex,endIndex;

		//input string 
		System.out.print("Enter the string: ");
		//input start index and end index
		System.out.print("Enter start index: ");
		System.out.print("Enter end index: ");

		/*get string from startIndex to endIndex*/
		String temp;
		temp= str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
		//printing substring
		System.out.println("Substring is: "+temp);


Complie: javac getSubstring.java
Run: java getSubstring


First Run:
Enter the string: www.includehelp.com
Enter start index: 2
Enter end index: 6
Substring is: .inc

Second Run:
Enter the string: www.nerdutella.com
Enter start index: 0
Enter end index: 10
Substring is: www.nerdut


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Java String Programs

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