Java String Programs
- Java program to read strings with different methods
- How to get length of the string in java?
- How to convert a character array to string in Java?
- How to calculate length of the string using String.length() method in Java?
- How to trim a given string using String.trim() method in Java?
- How to spilt string in substrings using String.split() in Java?
- Java program to demonstrate example of String.startsWith() and String.endsWith()?
- How to replace string with another string in java using String.replace() method?
- How to reverse a string in Java with and without using StringBuffer.reverse() method?
- How to check whether a given string is empty or not in Java?
- Java program to convert string to lowercase and uppercase
- Java program to get sub string from a given string
- Java program to convert any type of value to string value using String.valueOf() method
- Java program to compare two strings using String.compareTo() method
- Java program to input a string from user and reverse each word of given string
- Easiest way to check Given String is Palindrome String or not in Java
- Java program to get string and count number of words in provided string
- Java program to check given strings are Anagram or not
- Java program to Encrypt/Decrypt String Using AES 128 bits Encryption Algorithm
- Java program to separate all tokens (words) using StringTokenizer
- Java program to find occurrences of each character in a string
- Java program to reverse words of a string
- Java program to concatenate two strings
- Java program to get the last index of any given character in a string
- Java program to make first alphabet capital of each word in a string
- Java program to concatenate two strings without using library function
- Lowercase to uppercase conversion without using any library function in Java
- Uppercase to lowercase conversion without using any library function in Java
- Comparing Strings with equals() and compareTo() methods in Java
- String palindrome program in Java
- String comparison using Collator and String classes in Java
- String concatenation with primitive data type values in Java
- Java program to find occurrences of palindrome words in a string
- Java program to swap first and last character of each word in a string
Consider the program:
Given string, start index and end index and we have to get the substring from the string.