
PHP program to send a text e-mail message

belongs to collection: PHP Miscellaneous


Here, we will demonstrate how we can send a text email message using the PHP program.

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Program/Source Code:

The source code to send a text e-mail message is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

//PHP program to send a text message using e-mail.
ini_set("sendmail_from", "testmail@includehelp.com");

$header = "From:testmail@includehelp.com \r\n";
$to = "reciever@gmail.com";
$sub = "Subject of the mail";
$msg = "Hello message from email";

$isSuccess = mail($to, $sub, $msg, $header);

if ($isSuccess == true)
    printf("Email send successfully");
    printf("Email sending failed");


If you pass the correct e-mail addresses then 
it will print a "Email send successfully" message on the webpage.


In the above program, we created local variables that are initialized with the following values:

  1. From email address
  2. To email address
  3. Header
  4. Subject
  5. Message

$isSuccess = mail ($to,$sub,$msg,$header);

Here, we used the mail() method, which is used to send a text email message and return the boolean value true or false. The mail() message returns true if the email sends successfully otherwise it returns false.

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PHP Miscellaneous

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