PHP Miscellaneous
- Display source code of the website with PHP
- Get the contents of a directory in PHP
- Setting Cookies in PHP
- How to pass values between the pages in PHP?
- How to redirect to another page in PHP?
- Getting current date & time in PHP
- print (get) file extension in PHP
- Include a Class from another file in PHP
- Include php files when they\'re in different folders (directories)
- Import a CSS file in php without using HTML format
- Find similarity of two strings in PHP
- Generate random numbers in PHP
- Find remote IP address in PHP
- PHP program to validate an email address
- How to detect search engine bots with PHP?
- PHP program to calculate the md5 hash from plaintext
- PHP program to convert a string into base64
- PHP program to convert base64 into the simple string
- PHP program to send a text e-mail message
- PHP program to send an HTML email message
- PHP program to download the text file from the specified URL
- PHP program to demonstrate the use of $GLOBALS to access global variables
- PHP program to print the filename of the current executing PHP script
- PHP program to print the version of CGI used by the webserver
- PHP program to print the IP address of a hosted web server
- PHP program to print the server name or website name
- PHP program to print the version of the server software
- PHP program to print the server protocol
- PHP program to print the request method used to access the webpage
- PHP program to print the timestamp of the start of the request
- PHP program to demonstrate the use of $_REQUEST superglobal variable
- PHP program to demonstrate the use of $_POST superglobal variable
Method 1: Naive approach
There is a filter called FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL which is in-built in PHP and validates mail ID.
The function filter_var() is also used in this program which takes two arguments. The first is the user mail ID and the second is the email filter. The function will return a Boolean answer according to which we can print the message of our desire.
Method 2: Separating strings
How a normal human being validates some email addresses? The human observes some pattern in the string as well as some special characters while checking the validation of an email. The same can be done through programming. An email ID should necessarily have the character '@' and a string '.com' in a specific order. A function called preg_match() will be used for checking this order and characters.
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