/*C++ program to add two distances using binary plus (+) operator overloading.*/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Distance { private: int feet,inches; public: //function to read distance void readDistance(void) { cout << "Enter feet: "; cin >>feet; cout << "Enter inches: "; cin >>inches; } //function to display distance void dispDistance(void) { cout << "Feet:" << feet << "\t" << "Inches:" << inches << endl; } //add two Distance using + operator overloading Distance operator+(Distance &dist1) { Distance tempD; //to add two distances tempD.inches= inches + dist1.inches; tempD.feet = feet + dist1.feet + (tempD.inches/12); tempD.inches=tempD.inches%12; return tempD; } }; int main() { Distance D1,D2,D3; cout << "Enter first distance:" << endl; D1.readDistance(); cout << endl; cout << "Enter second distance:" << endl; D2.readDistance(); cout << endl; //add two distances D3=D1+D2; cout << "Total Distance:" << endl; D3.dispDistance(); cout << endl; return 0; }
Enter first distance: Enter feet: 22 Enter inches: 10 Enter second distance: Enter feet: 23 Enter inches: 11 Total Distance: Feet:46 Inches:9
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Adding two distances using binary plus (+) operator overloading program in c++.