
C++ program to read and print students information using two classes and simple inheritance


C++ program to read and print students information using two classes and simple inheritance


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Read and print students using simple inheritance program in C++

/*C++ program to read and print students information using two classes and simple inheritance.*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//Base class
class std_basic_info
        char name[30];
        int  age;
        char gender;
        void getBasicInfo(void);
        void putBasicInfo(void);
//function definitions
void std_basic_info::getBasicInfo(void)
    cout << "Enter student's basic information:" << endl;
    cout << "Name?: ";    cin >> name;
    cout << "Age?: ";     cin >> age;
    cout << "Gender?: ";cin >> gender;
void std_basic_info::putBasicInfo(void)
    cout << "Name: " << name << ",Age: " << age << ",Gender: " << gender << endl;
//Derived class
class std_result_info:public std_basic_info
        int     totalM;
        float   perc;
        char    grade;
        void getResultInfo(void);
        void putResultInfo(void);
//function definitions
void std_result_info::getResultInfo(void)
    cout << "Enter student's result information:" << endl;
    cout << "Total Marks?: ";     cin >> totalM;
    perc= (float)((totalM*100)/500);
    cout << "Grade?: ";cin >> grade;
void std_result_info::putResultInfo(void)
    cout << "Total Marks: " << totalM << ",Percentage: " << perc << ",Grade: " << grade << endl;
int main()
    //create object of derived class
    std_result_info std;
    //read student basic and result information
    //print student basic and result information
    return 0;


    Enter student's basic information:
    Name?: Mickey
    Age?: 26
    Gender?: F
    Enter student's result information:
    Total Marks?: 455
    Grade?: A
    Name: Mickey,Age: 26,Gender: F
    Total Marks: 455,Percentage: 91,Grade: A

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